He was explaining that there were several leaks in the educational building and he said, "That's one good thing that 12 or 13 inches of rain will do - it will show you the leaks!"
WOW! How true is that in our lives? It is easy for us to live our lives as if we have it all together. Our structure can appear flawless and at times it may be easy to put up a facade that shows no leaks. However, when the rains of life come, and they will, they have a way of exposing them!
When we find our lives flooded by the storms that come, our leaks will be exposed. But, there is great news! We as Christians know the Master Carpenter who can rebuild our broken places and repair our leaky spots. We must let Him deal with the leaks before they cause major damage and our entire structure folds! Patching our own leaks and trying to continue with life as usual is a dangerous thing and eventually we will find ourselves as rubble.
So, let's invite Christ to show us our leaks, our weak spots, our vulnerable places and then He will show Himself as the Repairer and Restorer of our lives and we will get to watch as He Himself restores us and makes us strong, firm, and steadfast!
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